IEC 62304 Consideratons -- September 13, 2016
Electrotechnical Commission (2006). “Medical Device Software – Software
Lifecycle Processes”; IEC 62304
[Note: Applying the FDA SW guidance documents
ensures compliance with IEC 62304 – 62304 adds more specifics to lifecycle
considerations -- “Guidance for
the Content of Premarket Submissions for Software Contained in Medical
Devices”, dated May 11, 2005, see Table 3 -- ]:
• Does
not specify the content of the documentation to be developed.
• Show
traceability through all the elements; no set format specified.
• Does
not prescribe a specific lifecycle model – Waterfall, Iterative, Evolutionary.
Up to company to define / document.
accepts compliance to IEC 62304 as fulfilling the SW Development requirement of
Guidance document (JEL - circular
• The
software is classified into three classes in IEC 62304:
• Class
A: No injury or damage to health is possible;
• Class
B: Non-serious injury is possible;
• Class
C: Death or serious injury is possible.
FDA’s Minor, Moderate, and Major]
Documentation Requirements (note similarity to U.S. FDA's Guidance Document on Device Software Documentation for 510(k)s):
Software Documentation
Class A
Class B
Class C
Software development plan
Must contain contents to sections IEC 62304:2006. The
plan's content list increases as the class increases, but a plan is required
for all classes.
Software requirements specification
Software requirements specification conforming to IEC
62304:2006. The content list for the software requirements specification
increases as the class increases, but a document is required for all classes.
Software architecture
Not required.
Software architecture to IEC 62304:2006. Refined to
software unit level for Class C.
Software detailed design
Not required.
Document detailed design for software
Software unit implementation
All units are implemented, documented and source
Software unit verification
Not required.
Define process, tests and acceptance
Carry out verification
Define additional tests and acceptance
Carry out verification
Software integration and integration
Not required.
Integration testing to IEC 62304:2006.
Software system testing
Not required.
System testing to IEC 62304:2006.
Software release
-- John E. Lincoln
Document the version of the software
product that is being released.
List of remaining software anomalies, annotated with an
explanation of the
impact on safety or effectiveness, including operator usage and human