eSTAR 510(k) Submission Elements / Templates:
Submission Type
Cover Letter / Letters of Reference
Applicant Information
Pre-Submission Correspondence and Previous Regulator Interaction
Consensus Standards
Device Description
Proposed Indications for Use (Form FDA 3881)
Predicates and Substantial Equivalence (includes matrix and discussion)
Design / Special Controls, Health Risks, and Mitigations (special
510(k) only)
Labeling (labels, IFUs)
Shelf Life
Software / Firmware
Cybersecurity / Interoperability
EMC, Electrical, Mechanical, Wireless and Thermal Safety
Performance Testing
References (literature, if any)
Administrative Documentation, e.g., executive summary (recommended), a Truthful and Accuracy
Statement, and a 510(k) Summary or Statement)
Amendment / Additional Information response (responses to Additional Information requests).\
Note: The US 510(k), IDE, De Novo, PMA submission is similar to the EU Technical Document
File, in basic content and purpose (proof of meeting regulatory marketing requirements).