Monday, January 3, 2022


The information provided in this blog is taken from sources and material which we believe to be reliable, and/or express the opinions of the writers and/or presenter. In such condensed and generalized form, the material certainly should not be considered a complete study or report on the subject mater, especially as to how it might relate to a specific company / user’s application. Conclusions are based solely on available data, and the judgments and analysis of technical factors offered are not intended to replace the utilization of additional research and/or appropriate professional counsel in adapting material to a specific application.

© 2022  by J. E. Lincoln and Associates LLC.  All rights reserved.  Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. 

Also, I may reread a blog and notice a typo, grammar problem, spelling.  If so, I'll usually correct that at the time without a notation.  However, if I feel I need to change, update, omit or add information, I will add a note explaining the change / update and the date. - JEL 09/19/2023